Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Friday, August 7, 2020

My W3 T3 Writing

Purpose: Entertain

Audience: Everyone

Too Much Tv

I think we should not have too much t.v because more and more children are getting aggressive every day it is the tv. That causes programmes like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemone and other things that cause fireballs, Shooting and bomings are terrible for young children's minds.

Firstly: Some Children think it is real but it isn't. Children think war and fighting is fun and don’t realize that it kills people in real life and hurts families.

Secondly: There are better things for children to do than watch tv… Children can draw, ride bikes, play games, talk with their friends and have heaps of fun without tv.

Finally: I believe children get more into fighting and arguing if they watch too much tv. We want peaceful children and adults, don’t we? I ask tv. Statials to take off  the aggressive contains at least and ask parents to check their children tv viewing